You know that song by the Doors called "People Are Strange?" Well, I think we need to update this song for 2008....because people are really, REALLY dumb. I've seen quite a few examples lately, and my normal course of action is to just make a joke about it, but today's incident got me thinking.
I'm having my tonsils out next Tuesday. Because I'm a chic and I am capable of getting pregnant, I am required by law to go pee in a cup to find out if I really am or not. So I scheduled my appointment online at the lab which is about 5 minutes from my house. I worked at home today to accomodate the 11am appointment, ensuring I could work a full day and get all the stuff done that I need to prior to going out on disability.
When I got there are 10:55, there were about 7-8 names ahead of mine. Ok, no problem. I took a seat and planned to just play solitaire on my phone until it was my turn. However, it was so incredibly quiet that even my very low decible keystrokes were loud for this rather small waiting room. A few other people walked in after me, quietly signed in, and then sat down.
Then in walks Ms. Look-At-Me-In-My-Pink-Vest-I'm-Above-Waiting-For-Anything-Because-I'm-Important-And-I-Probably-Don't-Fart-Out-Loud. Apparently the concept of a WAITING ROOM is something well beyond her realm of comprehension. At about 11:30, she asked something to one of the very busy nurses and I heard her mention "11:10," leading me to believe that 20 minutes of waiting was unacceptable.
She sat back down and shortly after her super-customized-made-just-for-me ringtone blared loudly. "Oooo, look at me - I'm getting a phone call!" Yuck. Here is what the entire room got to hear: "Hello. Hello? No, I haven't even been called yet. Where are you? No, I'm still sitting here. Apparently they are really backed up because of the stupid walk-ins. Yes, I made an appointment! Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah."
I actually leaned forward and looked her way, hoping she'd glance over. I wasn't really sure what I was going to do, but it was one of those moments where your brain just takes a walk and you start believing that the scene you're playing out in your head will actually happen. Mine involved asking some sarcastic question followed by head knods and a few "right ons" from the rest of the people waiting. Knowing I could never keep that calm in the face of stupidity, I sat back and continued to read the Newsweek article about Hillary Clinton.
My name was called and when I went back, I made small talk with the nurse that my aunt is a nurse, and nurses are great and nurses do more than doctors. Then I told her that "you've got a live one out there." I explained that she was whining, followed by, "She's one of those people who might need to have her vein missed a few times today." The nurse laughed and said, "Well, I've been here since 3am without a break."
That's what motivated me to write this. Here's a woman working her ass off to serve the public, and she has to deal with people like this. Don't people realize that without women like this nurse, or truck drivers, or bakers, or grocery store clerks that we'd all be highly inconvenienced? Do you really enjoy self-checkout? I certainly don't!
So I finished up, made sure they knew where to send the results and happily walked out. I wanted to stick my tongue out to this woman, but then that would make me "one of them." And we all know the world can't afford any more stupids.
Peace out friends!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
People are...DUMB.
Posted by
6:07 PM
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