Oh look, more smack talk from the Republicans. This time it's about my favorite subject...religion. Let's start with the quote from Mike Huckabee: "“I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution, but I believe it’s a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God. And that’s what we need to do, to amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than try to change God’s standards so it lines up with some contemporary view of how we treat each other and how we treat the family."
That's great, Mike, and thank you. You've now alienated a vast majority of Americans with that statement. I have two concerns with this argument.... First, who said "God's standards" are IT? Who decided that? Tell me where in the Constitution God and religion are mentioned in terms of creating policy and law. Oh yeah that's right....IT'S NOT!! The Constitution was written "in the year of our Lord" so I guess that counts. Other than that, we have freedom of religion - which means I have a CHOICE. And I choose not to believe your babble.
Second, anyone ever hear of the separation of church and state? Hellooooo? America? Are you there? Hey, Mike, over here...it's me... Sara. Just here to remind you that Jesus doesn't belong in my voting booth, but since you brought it up, I'll happily spread your ridiculous message about changing the Constitution. Hopefully smart people will realize what a stupid idea this is!
Generation Joshua my friends.... Go read about it. Be afraid, be very afraid. Bush has scared the hell out of the uninformed for so long, they'll believe anything. And nothing like a religious fanatic to convince the wandering idiots who are eligible to vote that Biblical law is the way to go.
Which is another problem I have.... Mike? Oh yeah, it's me again. Ever hear of Muslims or Jews? They have religous texts too, so perhaps you should consult those before you go and decide that the Christian Bible is the only acceptable relgious text from which to run your government.
This right here folks is probably 80% of the reason I'm an atheist. It's all bullshit...all of it. For my individual friends and family who are believers....rock on. Go on with your devotion if that's what makes you happy. But collectively.....do you, as the believers, actually support this insanity? Here we are in 2008....with a woman and a black man running, and we've got a dude who wants to roll back the clock a few thousand years? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? And not to mention...he's leaving out two huge pieces of our society by excluding Muslims and Jews!
Haven't we learned our lesson from Bush? This is a man who has openly made God part of his government decisions. And look where we are! Our economy is fucked, our military is in shambles, our schools are suffering, the middle-class is being eroded and our jobs are all being sent overseas.... Only a religious person can see any optimism in that heap of shit.
What I'm saying is this.... how about you go be you, and you let me be me and you keep your beliefs to yourself! Beliefs are just that....beliefs! It's not fact, it's not proven, and there's no denying the battles religion has caused. Concentrate on what matters...namely, bring our troops home. It's time. Once they're back, fix the broken clusterfuck that is the VA and get help for these people.
In the meantime, close up your Bible and go back to your pulpit. Do some research and get back to me on what country in the world has prospered by imposing Biblical law. Oh yeah...THERE AREN'T ANY!
Whew....that felt great. I don't think I would have slept tonight without venting a little. This infuriates me...and it should you too. Whatever your religious affiliation, I hope we can agree that church and state are and should remain separate.
And in closing, I'd just like to say this to my audience (however few it may be)... if you vote for any of the Republicans, you have no soul. If you can honestly look back on the last 8 years and feel good about it, please move to another country because you are an idiot and we don't want you here. It's time to be brave and make a choice for a new leader. It's not about voting for a woman or a black man...however historic that may be, it's about voting for the party that will put this country back together. Look, I respect John McCain for his service to our country, but he's not the guy that will put this sinking shop afloat. So turn off the news, put down the local paper, and head to the internet and do some research on these candidates. Hopefully you'll see clearly and vote for the Democratic nominee.
Peace out!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Huckabee's Smack Talk
Posted by
10:18 PM
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